Amidst the rolling farmlands and pastures of the Wisconsin Highway 27 ridgetops, Seneca sits perched perched on the hilltops of Crawford County along WI 27.
The Eye of Crawford County
Welcome to Seneca!

Seneca, like Eastman, retains a lot of what could be referred to as “American Main Street Charm.”
WI 27 doubles as the main street of the town, which rolls past business, churches, and a school. Depending on the time of year, flags or holiday decorations create a charming tableau.
Seneca is located midway along WI 27, and is a jumping off point for road trips into the surrounding ridges and valleys, being near intersections with CTY HWY E and CTY HWY S and just up the road from both Mt. Sterling and Eastman on WI 27. It’s sure that any trip through the heart of the county will take you through this charming community!
Also, visit for local school district info.